Hilarious And Eye-Catching Signs People Just Had To Snap Photos Of

Hilarious And Eye-Catching Signs People Just Had To Snap Photos Of

Sometimes, the smallest things in life spark the most joy in our day, like seeing an absurd sign while driving home or walking into your pet's vet clinic. Some of these were accidentally hilarious, while others were intentional, but they all have one thing in common: they're ridiculous and funny enough that someone saw them and just had to take a picture. And boy, oh, boy, are we grateful they did. Trust us; you'll soon be thanking them, too.

That'll Definitely Grab People's Attention

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This is probably the most deceitful sign on this list, but it's also one of the funniest. A garage put up a sign that reads: "Girls, girls, girls," in a tiered style you might see adorning a particular type of club. However, right underneath, they wrote, "Just kidding, oil changes." That's one way to grab the attention of potential customers. However, it's also one way to leave them sorely disappointed. Even so, we'd probably pull in here to get an oil change, considering you don't usually see inventive signs like this posted outside of garages.

We Also Can't Believe They Had to Make This Sign

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When you go out into nature for something like a camping or hiking trip, it's general knowledge that you should dig a hole and use the bathroom there if you need to. However, this park was apparently having issues with people going between the massive stone boulders. And nobody wants to come across human waste during their hiking down a trail. The sign even laments the fact they had to put a sign up in the first place. It reads: "Please do not poop in the rocks." A disclaimer follows: "We can't believe we had to make this sign." They really sound fed up with people going on the trail.

Cats Are Teenagers in Animal Form

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If you're looking to drive traffic to your veterinary clinic, this sign might be your answer. It explains that dogs prepare people for babies while cats prepare parents for teenagers. And while dogs are great, they're still sort of like large, clumsy babies, which is part of the reason we love them so much. Cats, on the other hand, are a different story. They can be moody and anti-social, just like teenagers. We aren't sure if this sign was the work of an employee or the business owner but hats off to whoever came up with it because it really does capture the difference between dogs and cats.

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